How It Works

Domain Transfer is just a click away in five simple steps

Search for a domain

Owning a domain with us is a piece of cake. All you need to do is hop on our website. Type the related keywords in the search bar and have fun picking the best one. Domainster specializes in unique, catchy, and brandable domain names. We add magic to your brands.


Domain details

For domain details, simply click on your preferred one. Just a click will give you all that you want to know. Everything from the description, exciting features, aesthetic imagery, and affordable pricing will pop up right before you.

Purchasing a domain

Found a captivating domain that ignites your imagination? Don't let it slip away like a fleeting dream! Instead, seize the opportunity with a single click on the mesmerizing "Buy now" or "Leasing Option" button. While we don't entertain negotiations, we offer you a golden chance to make your dreams come true: acquiring the domain on installment. Yes, you heard it right!


Checkout process

Add the domain to your bucket and roll through the checkout process. Our guiding hand will take you through the steps. For the payment process, we will require your contact information and payment details. However, we ensure total security and confidentiality of your intimate information for a seamless transaction process.

Domain transfer

Welcome to the final step.
Once you've sealed the deal and made your purchase, Domainsteer steps in like a friendly guide, ready to help you claim full ownership of your new domain. It typically takes a week until you hold complete ownership of the domain. Still, we will facilitate detailed instructions on transferring the domain to your preferred domain registrar.

Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.